Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My "new" design thinking

t is very interesting as to how each reading and lecture of the design thinking course is being given emphasis and importance to in my other classes.  The reading titles "diffusion of innovation" was a major topic of discussion in my marketing class where i teacher discussed the principles of the reading as a practical implementation in the real world. For my marketing final project i have been refering to the diffusion of innovation reading from time to time as i feel it is forming the base of my project based on a line extension for tory burch and how an innovation and introduction of new products from time to time under the tory burch brand is a profitable proposition and is adding to the sales and global growth of the brand.
Infact even in my merchandizing class last week we had a site visit to an extremely interesting lady by the name of Ielene dianching where she talked about the need for designers to create products the consumer wants or needs and not what the designers assume they need. She spoke about how essential it is in todays day and age to cater to the consumer desire and the importance of testing the success of a product.

Little did i know at the beginning of the semester that each reading in this course would be a golden lesson for life applicable in each and every design situation.

Infact, even for my faculty meeting with lara penin the importances of those lessons and how they are the golden rules or guidelines or even a pathway for success for a designer today.

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