Tuesday, March 29, 2011

collaborative process

The collaborative process and experiences of our group have been helpful in a lot of ways. We were first introduced to solve wicked problem that somehow related to our area of studies. Even though all of us have different backgrounds, we are able to brainstorm ideas from our past experiences. We as a group are able to communicate with each other with our ideas. Even we may not all agree on something, but we are able to take apart and think it through, then form another new ideas that we all agree upon. I think that’s what make our group experiences successful. I think it would have been better if we could some how incorporate the ideas and techniques that we learned from the readings or from the lectures to our group discussions. Even we received the same information from the readings and the lectures, but we might have very different ideas a on certain subject. And by sharing our thoughts and ideas to each other, we could all learn from each other and opens up variety of perspective.

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