Tuesday, March 22, 2011

reading response

The three readings assigned for this week enhanced my knowledge gained from the readings of the previous works. I am currently working in India with a spiritual practice based completely on our emotions and senses which alter as well shape our lives and co-related Griggs article with my spiritual learning and believe that it is extremely profound from the design perspective as well as being essential in the basics of our life. Emotions are the building blocks of our relationshps,health and success. Everyday every second we feel a large number of emotions and each one is being stored in our body. Infact in my spiritual practice I have also learnt that certain emotions cause certain diseases as well as the release of certain hormones in the body which I feel to connect to Griggs article.


The other two articles primarily dealt with technology its progress and disastrous effects. Man so dependent on the advancement of technology and the ease it brings to our lives that we now cannot imagine life without it.  We oversee the disadvantages as we are just so dependent and comfortable with its advanatages. Even though advancement provides scope for evolving design it does create negative effects. We believe in the beauty of gaining knowledge from this advancing technology but little do we bother about the wrong. This really made me think if I could live without my phone or ipod or laptop for a day and the answer was : THE END! 

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