Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Problem statement

Fashion, for the most part, is about luxury and style. The term Fashion is sometimes associates with the lavish and fast lifestyle. With the idea of fast trend, fashion itself is an endless cycle that produces t tremendous amount of waste from garments that are out of season. Garments that are made out of synthetics materials are non-biodegradable. Furthermore, the growing process of non organic cotton contain the use of pesticides, which can cause soil contamination and air pollution. In addition to environmental effects, pesticides can also cause detrimental health issues as affecting our nervous system. Fashion cannot just be about how we look but rather the entire production process that goes around the industry. From growing cotton to the finished products and to the hand of the customer, that include the farmers, the makers, and the consumers . Out of the all, the most important is the treatments of the fabric and the manufacture of fibers. Dyeing, the method that most likely to achieved color on fabric, uses chemical that contains arsenic, which put not only the makers and wearers in health risk, but also contaminates ground water.

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