Tuesday, March 22, 2011

DESIGN BRIEF #1: Intervention for the disposal of garments waste

The textile industry proves to produce a lot of waste through production and consumption methods. In order to tackle the waste issues that essentially lead to other bigger issues in our environment a possible method of change that may be implemented is that of a recycling system for our garments. This recycling system should incorporate a way of allowing people who do not use garments after a certain number of uses to come and give those garments in for recycling. This clothing recycle centre would be a non-profit organization and in order to encourage customers to come and drop of unused clothes or old clothes a monetary motivation factor could be included. A prototype of this garment recycle centre should be created in order to determine how effective this solution is in trying to focus on the post garment use waste.

1 comment:

  1. I think its a beautiful idea and goes well with our idea and topic .
    i feel it is flexile and has a scope of being integrated in actual fashion products.
