Tuesday, March 22, 2011

reading response

This week’s three articles are interesting in terms of bringing different aspects of thinking in the area that we usually take for granted. After I finished reading the articles, I actually have the one of the emotions, “interest”, that the article brought up. As it mentioned, “ it motivates people to learn to increase their knowledge just because they want to”. Theses articles motivated me to think and be curious about the relationship between our knowledge and the technologies that we created. In the present day, we are extremely depended on technologies that kids these days would just sit in front of computers with a cell phone all day long. Even for adults, we now loose that face to face contact and verbally conversation as we used to have back in the days when we don’t have any high-tech machines around us. I think that if we don’t have the knowledge and information as we had from the entire mass media, we will not have eager or have any types of emotion to pursuit a better life. Just like the articles mentioned, we’ve got out of control. We often take things that we created or things that already exist for granted. Furthermore, we often time neglect the consequences for our actions. We gain the knowledge and skills but what we did not learn is how to prevent our abilities to get out of control. Due to the fact that we have emotion, we cannot constrain our desire. I think that’s why it is so important to get rid of desire and to clean our mind in Buddhism’ belief.

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